What is Kanna?

Sceletium tortuosum, also known as Kanna is a succulent plant native to South Africa. Traditionally the dried plant was chewed with the saliva swallowed, but it can also be consumed in teas, tinctures, snuff, and smoked. Kanna has been used for thousands of years for its ability to reduce stress and depression, relieve pain and alleviate hunger.

In modern day people use Kanna for its mood-boosting and euphoric properties. It makes for a great natural alternative to dangerous and synthetic substances, as Kanna is not known to be addictive nor have serious side effects.

The science behind Kannas benefits it quite interesting as it has a unique chemical makeup. 
Kanna contains alkaloids that act as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors increasing the amount of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is said to be “the happiness chemical” and Kanna works in a similar fashion to anti-depressants that also increase serotonin. This may provide benefits such as decreased anxiety, improved mood, and increased energy.

Chemical Makeup 

One of main alkaloids in the Kanna plant is Mesembrine. Acting as a SRI or serotonin reuptake inhibitor and a PDE-4 inhibitor, it works to increase serotonin and boost blood flow in the body. 

This alkaloids mechanism is very similar to Mesembrine as it is also a SRI and PDE-4 inhibitor. Boosting mood and leading to a relaxed state of mind.

Check out our Kanna vapes, crafted to have a high Mesembrine content!

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